Lipodissolve "Cellu-Fight" in NYC

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What is Lipodissolve?

Lipodissolve can be used on a variety of areas of the body including the arms, belly, and legs. Lipodissolve functions as both a method for removing fat deposits that remain unaffected by diet and exercise and as an effective technique for treating cellulite. While liposuction treatments generally result in significant post-treatment swelling, healthy skin actually tightens around the site of lipodissolve injection, creating a firmer, more toned appearance without the need for lift or tuck surgery.Unlike traditional liposuction, in which fat cells are suctioned out of the body, lipodissolve can be used on flabby arms, belly fat, and a double chin as injections that break down the walls of fatty cells and let the body flush out the fat as waste.

What specific areas of the body can be treated?


Upper torso:

  • pre-axillary fat pads
  • axillary bra rolls/ "bra bulge"
  • male gynecomastia
  • upper back rolls
  • upper volar arms
  • overhanging skin and fat deposits at waistline
  • epigastrium
  • "six pack" area definition (in bodybuilders)
  • male and female abdomen
  • male and female flanks
  • "buffalo hump" due to steroid use

Lower torso:

  • medial buttock cellulite
  • lower lateral buttock
  • infragluteal "banana roll"
  • posterolateral thigh cellulite
  • outer thigh/saddlebags
  • inner thigh
  • anterior thigh
  • medial and suprapatellar knees
  • upper calves

How are fats removed?

Lipodissolve, the latest innovation in non-surgical cosmetic treatments, removes fat from small areas. It does this by breaking down the bonds that maintain the solid form of body fat. Once the fat is converted to liquid form, the body is able to remove the fat naturally at a much more rapid pace than your normal metabolism is able to accomplish. The body's fat removal process will take from several weeks to a few months to complete, depending upon the patient. Lipodissolve professionals stress that the fat-busting injections do not necessarily result in weight loss, but rather a modification of the body's contours.

How are cellulites diminished?

Lipodissolve treatment has an impressive track record for smoothing and diminishing cellulite, the dimpled "orange peel" skin that often affects the buttocks and legs. Skin actually tightens over the area injected with the lipodissolve solution, which can noticeably diminish the appearance of cellulite.

How is it administered?

The needle used in the lipodissolve treatment is very fine, about the size of an acupuncture needle. If you do not elect to use local anesthetic to numb the injection site, then you will experience a slight stinging sensation, but most patients report that it is bearable. Once the lipodissolve treatment is injected into the targeted fat deposit, the molecular bonds between the fat molecules are dissolved, causing the fat to change its phase from solid to liquid. The procedure itself only takes about 15 to 30 minutes. The body uses its natural waste-filtration organs such as the liver and the intestines to gradually issue the fat out of the body over the next few weeks to months. Most patients observe improvement in their treated areas after about four weeks. The most successful course of lipodissolve therapy is a series of treatment sessions carefully calibrated to build off of the positive results you are already exhibiting. Treatment sessions are always spaced between 6 to 8 weeks apart.

How do I prepare for the procedure?

Because lipodissolve treatment is non-surgical, very little in the way of formal preparation is required in comparison to more extensive cosmetic surgeries. It is a good idea not to skip meals and to drink plenty of water on the day of your treatment. This will decrease the likelihood of painful bruising. The doctor will provide you with a lipodissolve cost estimate and patient instructions prior to administering the injections. Following these instructions will help to minimize discomfort during and following the procedure.

Is there a screening prior to the procedure?

Not everyone is a good candidate for lipodissolve treatment. If you are uncertain if you have diabetes or a thyroid problem, your doctor may order some blood work prior to agreeing to perform the procedure as these conditions may render lipodissolve ineffective or increase your risk of complications. lipodissolve is only proven to work well for removing small to medium deposits of fat. If you have been diagnosed with severe to moderate obesity, then you will likely need to prepare for lipodissolve therapy by first losing as much weight as possible through diet and exercise. If you are unable to lose weight through these means, liposuction may be the answer.

Do I need to take a mini-vacation for this procedure?

Recovering from a lipodissolve is a very quick process. Most doctors will not require you to take any time off from your regular responsibilities following treatment. Ask your doctor prior to undergoing the procedure if you will need someone else to drive you home. It is not uncommon to experience a slight burning sensation around the treated area for about an hour after the injections. You may experience some skin tenderness, swelling, and, less commonly, bruising around the site of injection for a day or two after the procedure. Your lipodissolve doctor will give you post- procedure patient instructions on how to control any side effects. Some patients opt to take part of the day off to decrease their swelling using a cold compress and take over-the-counter or prescription pain medication as required. Some patients simply ignore the discomfort and go right back to work. A minority of patients who undergo this treatment experience nausea, fever, or dizziness, and it is difficult to predict who will experience these effects. You should probably refrain from any strenuous exercise on the day you receive your injections and stick to gentle exercises for about a week following surgery. Wearing a tight workout garment that compresses the injection site may decrease the pain you experience while exercising.

What are the risks and benefits?

The lipodissolve treatment has many benefits and few risks, but risks do exist. To date, the procedure has a very good safety record with no reported instances of permanent or life-threatening complications. The most serious risks include possible interaction with a pre-existing medical condition such as cancer or diabetes, or, in rare instances, an allergic reaction to the solution itself. Side effects such as lumps, bruising, and skin tenderness may occur at the sites of injection, but these are temporary and generally subside within a few days. 

Is it affordable?

Much more economical than liposuction or tuck or lift surgery, lipodissolve is one of the most cost-effective means of achieving fat reduction. If you are already leading a healthy lifestyle, lipodissolve can refine those more difficult-to-tone areas of your body, and financing through CareCredit can make the treatment even more affordable. 


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